Have you heard of the Haiku Deck app for iPad? I just created this deck "Federal RFPs Decoded" in about 20 minutes. Haiku takes your story and sets it free by searching the Internet and suggesting an array of high-quality images that photographers have licensed under Creative Commons. Navigate forward and backward by clicking the arrow buttons about midway down on the right or left side of the slide.
![]() GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) is developing a next generation contract vehicle for complex professional services. This contract vehicle addresses agencies' needs for professional service requirements that: 1) span multiple professional service disciplines; 2) Involve significant IT components, but aren't IT requirements; 3) Require flexibility for all contract type task orders and other direct costs at the task order level; 4) Are difficult to specify or quantify prior to award; and 5) Create an environment of elevated risk due to their unanticipated nature. Did you attend the May 13th OASIS Industry Day? Slide decks are now available for both large and small businesses. https://interact.gsa.gov/document/oasis-industry-day-slides-available Additional info:
Follow the GSA OASIS Blog: https://interact.gsa.gov/group/oasis-industry-community |
AuthorPam Silverthorn, Government Proposal Consultant Archives
November 2015